Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Boleh dibuka di mana2 cawangan ASNB yang berdekatan seperti pejabat pos & ejen2 sah ASNB macam entri yg saya share sblom ni.

Syarat Kelayakan :

1. Terbuka kepada semua rakyat yang berstatus bumiputera.
(mualaf, orang asli dan juga serani juga layak untuk membuka akaun ASB)

2. Had pelaburan ialah sehingga RM200,000 bersamaan 200,000 unit

3. Dokumen yang perlu dibawa:
- IC / Kad Pengenalan 
Deposit minima untuk pembukaan akaun adalah RM10.

4. Isi borang kat bawah ni. Borang boleh dapat dekat kaunter ajen ASNB.

Nota kaki :
Untuk makluman semua, sekarang ASB dah tak keluarkan buku. Sekarang ini buku pelaburan yang biru tu sudah dibatalkan penggunaannya mulai 28 Jun 2017. Kini perlaksaan segala urusan sekarang pakai kad pengenalan sahaja.
Kita akan mendapat salinan slip sahaja setelah urusniaga. Jadi, slip itu jangan dibuang, simpan untuk rujukan baki akaun kita.Tetapi, ASNB akan menghantar penyata tahunan secara elektronik melalui email. JIka tak sabar nak tunggu sampai setahun, boleh beritahu staff ASNB untuk mengeluarkan penyata terkini ataupun gunakan online portal myASNB.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Healthy Tea Facts

Tea & Health
  • The function of tea and natural, bioactive compounds in tea, as elements in a healthy lifestyle is best explained by the first line in Kakuzo Okakura’s 1906 philosophical treatise on tea, The Book of Tea.
  • Okakura sums up the historical and ancient belief in tea as more than just a pleasing beverage by writing, “Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage…”
  • Green and black tea contain powerful natural antioxidants which can protect regular tea drinkers from many degenerative diseases.
  • The main degenerative diseases of concern today are heart disease, high blood pressure stroke, cancer and diabetes. Studies have shown that the antioxidant activity of flavonoids in green and black tea reduces the risk of many degenerative diseases and help maintain good oral heath.
Tea & Heart Diseases
  • Regular consumption of correctly brewed tea, has been shown to reduce oxidation of fat. Studies suggest that green and black tea are equally effective in this respect.
  • Catechins in green tea, theaflavins and thearubigins in black tea were shown to have the ability of inhibit lipid oxidation and plaque formation (which can lead to heart disease), whilst reducing cholesterol. Regular consumption of tea has also been associated with reduced blood clotting. Blood clotting increases the risk of coronary thrombosis.
  • Tea extracts and tea polyphenols can inhibit the platelet aggregation to a certain degree, thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis. Both Green and Black Tea also improve endothelial function (vasoconstriction and vasodilation – the control of blood pressure, atherosclerosis, formation of new blood vessels -angiogenesis).
Tea & Cancer
  • Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have revealed that polyphenols in green and black tea can directly react and neutralize chemical carcinogens thereby reducing the risk of cancer. It has also been shown that tea increases the activity of detoxifying enzymes which are naturally found in the human body.
  • The anticarcinogenic potential of tea is based on the ability of tea flavonoids to interact with the active carcinogens and make them inactive. In vitro and in vivo research indicates that tea and tea polyphenols inhibit initiation and later stages in the development of carcinogens. Regular consumption of tea – especially fresh tea – decreases the growth rate of tumours whilst preventing the formation of large tumours.

Tea & Diabetes
  • In Type-1 diabetes the pancreas does not produce the required amount of insulin to required amount of insulin to regulate blood glucose. 
  • In Type 2 diabetes liver and muscle cells cannot utilize the insulin produced to regulate blood glucose.
  • Some plant extracts contains substances, which could mimic the action of insulin and help in managing Type 2 or non-insulin dependant diabetes. The flavonol, myricetin, which is present in green and black tea is found to be able to mimic insulin activity.
  • The enzyme alpha-amylase catalyses the conversion of starch in food to glucose in the digestive process. Glucose in the digestive tract is easily absorbed into the blood stream while starch is not absorbed. Polyphenols in tea inhibit alpha-amylase activity and could contribute to reducing blood glucose. Research suggests that tea consumption can be highly beneficial for diabetics.
Tea & Ageing
  • Antioxidants in tea are known for their ability to reduce oxidative stress. Diseases of old age are thought to be the result of attack by Free Radicals. Tea polyphenols inhibit the action of Free Radicals and can contribute to better quality of life for the elderly and also possibly longevity.
Tea & Oral Health
  • Tea contains fluoride therefore tea drinking makes a significant contribution to the daily fluoride intake and to the reduction of tooth decay. It has been found that in addition to fluoride, the polyphenols in tea also act to reduce tooth decay. Recent studies have revealed that tea inhibits the growth of other harmful microorganisms in the mouth.
  • In addition to these and other function benefits that are likely in tea, scientists identified a compound called L-theanine in tea. L-theanine is said to be responsible for promoting a feeling of relaxation, whilst maintaining mental alertness. 50mg of L-theanine (contained in two to three cups of tea) can naturally stimulate the brain and bring on refreshed and relaxed sensation.
How Much Tea To Consume
  • Natural plant derived foods generally contain antioxidants although the antioxidants in green and black tea are much greater than levels found in fruits and vegetables.
  • As a general rule, two cups of tea are equivalent in antioxidant capacity, to five portions of fruit or vegetables.
  • Researchers are generally agreed that 5-10 cups of tea are recommended although no adverse effects have been noted from consumption of more than this number. Care should be exercised though by infants, young children at risk of type 1 diabetes, pregnant women, patients on psychoactive drugs or with sensitivity to caffeine, and tea drinkers whose diets are nutritionally not balanced.

Monday, February 10, 2014

MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional)


MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional or the National Cancer Council) is a not-for-profit social enterprise mainly tasked to pool and utilise every effort, expertise and financial aid from every faction of society, and to fight cancer and reduce the related pain, suffering and morbidity that cancer patients and their families often experience.

MAKNA registered under the Register of Societies on 10th November 1994 and officially launched on 30th March 1995. MAKNA was founded by Dato’Mohd Farid Ariffin.

To mobilise resources in order to provide curativepreventiveresearch and support services to cancer patients and their families, high-risk groups and the general public, in Malaysia and the World.

The human spirit can achieve what it is set out to do when the will is able.

To pool and utilize all efforts, expertise and finance from all sectors of the society, to fight cancer and reduce related pain, morbidity and the suffering that cancer patients undergo.


Services provided by MAKNA 

  • Treatment

    • Provide comprehensive and up-to-date facilities to cancer patients especially the less fortunate. Hence, in collaboration with PPUKM, Institut Kanser MAKNA - Pusat PerubatanUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (IKM-PPUKM) was started. It is located within the compound of PPUKM in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. 
    • IKM-PPUKM consists of Wad Onkologi Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Sub Basement Radiotherapy and a Bone Marrow Transplant Unit which is one of the largest in the country.

  • Research

    • " We must prevent cancer initiation whenever possible, eliminate it in early stages when it does occur, and helpcancer patients live with, rather than die from, the disease "
                                                                                      - MAKNA Research's Mission -

  • Cancer Awareness & Education

    • The challenges faced by our MAKNA Cancer Awareness and Education team is to consistently keep its materials fresh and relevant to the realities of cancer besides being able to appeal to broad groups of people interested in cancer. 
      We also provide consistent cancer awareness and education programmes to educate and promote an understanding of a healthy lifestyle

  • Bursary Programme

    • Assists cancer patients especially those who are unable to pay for treatment, medication, equipment and other relevant costs. Each application is to be vetted by the relevant public hospitals Medical Welfare Department before submission to MAKNA for approval of assistance. Priority is given to referrals from public hospitals only. To date, MAKNA is assisting patients from 82 government hospitals nationwide.
    • Building a core team of professional and semi-professionals in various aspects of cancer through researches, trainings, seminars, study tours, fellowships and conferences.

  • Cancer Information Helpline

      We are here to help. One stop for all your cancer information needs. Trained information specialists to give one-to-one personalised information to the public, patients, family members and friends. Information is provided by via telephone, mail, e-mail or in person.

      Please call our toll-free helpline,
      1-800-88-MAKNA (62562)

      or email your enquiries to

  • Mobile Screening

      Take advantage of the region's only mobile mammography program today!

      MAKNA is proud to announce that we have officially kicked off our MAKNA Mobile Breast Cancer Screening Programme. We would be scouting both rural and urban areas to improve access and affordability for women in West Malaysia to receive early detection screening tests for breast cancer. 

  • Scholarship

    • The Young Cancer Survivor Scholarship Program helps MAKNA to reach its goal of improving the quality of life cancer patients and their families by improving the capacity of pediatric cancer survivor to attend college and lessening the financial burden of college attendances on the cancer survivor’s family.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

How to Close a Sale

Many people actually still not clear on how to close a sale. Word "Sales" = "Influence" in marketing. You need to develop your persuasion communication skill by knowing some basic element and practice. Practice make perfect.
 You have to study your clients need. Take that opportunities and explain to the client on benefit that you are offering. There are 5 reasons clients don't buy and there are ways to overcome it:

 When we present to clients, their resistance to buy is high at beginning. We can reduce the resistance over time of our presentation by enlighten the "MTNUT". We able to influence our clients towards the magic line where they gonna say "Yes" for our product.
M -->No Money
    • There are small % of people don't have money to buy, while there are majority that have money.
    • So, money is not the real issue.
T  -->No Time
    • Show to the clients the value that we offer.
    • Tell them how they get benefit by buying the product over time.
--> No Need
    • Some people know they need something and some people don't.
    • Make them aware/realize that they need it by "Trigger event".
    • If they say "Yes", it's great. But if they say "No",that is our job to demonstrate why they need it.
U -->No Urgency
    • Create the sense of urgency. (Show them why they need to take action now) 
    • If they not doing it now, they gonna lose money/chances.
T -->No Trust
    • Story is not compelling enough (maybe)
    • Need to develop more credibility.
You can sales the gain (features & benefits) and selling the pain for client not getting the decision. If they still don't buy, analyze back this 5 phases.

-From Victor Antonio (sales trainer)

Involvement in Sales & Marketing

So long that I'm not update my blog since 2010...=P Now, I am just graduated from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) last month. Sitting at home without doing anything...LoL Boring are killing me.
 Feel so bored till I decided to gain new knowledge beside engineering knowledge....
1st thing that come in my thought is become promoters or bartender at Chattime Dataran Pahlawan Melaka. I fail the interview...haha Maybe they don't want to hire someone with Degree holder....=( so sad...
 My 2nd thought is develop my survival skill to survive in this challenging world. Then I decided to gain knowledge in Sales & Marketing Industry for my future business that I have planned. For business, sales & marketing work as it's heart. Without it, there gonna be no business.
After that I applied to join Appco Group, where they will provide the fresh employee with one to one training and I choose to take commission base salary instead of basic salary. I'm gonna start working on 17th February 2014. Wish me luck guys...=)
I'm gonna study 1st before attending training as I've been train for not to be spoon feed at UTP... I'm gonna share what I learn through this blog later...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bermandi-manda di Waterfall Sagil

Hai kawan2, arini sronok kowt g brenang ngn mmber2 lame Zaid, Ikmal (Map) n mmbe2 adk aq... da lme da xg Sagil ngn mmbe2 nie... xlpe gak bwak adik aq 2 org yg kecik 2...huhu xleh tnggal 2...XD~~

Excitement die different kowt klo kte g ngn family compare to pg ngn mmbe2... Klo ngn mmbe2, mcm2 leh wat... terjun sane,, terjun cnie... nk terjun flip pown no hal..

Tp klo ngn family, mst da kne sound der...huhu=P

Ehm.. mse terjun2 tu.. leh lak nmpk 1 group bdak2 bngse kita ni mnum ehm2 lak kat Sagil 2..

xthu mlu ape...zzzz klo mak n ayah dorg thu 2... mst kcewa kowt...

Sooo, kwan2 lain jgn jdi cm2... keep away from alcoholic, for ur healthy life n offspring ( waa.. jauh aq pk 2...=P )....

Friday, January 22, 2010


Bahan-bahan :-

10g kemahuan
10g kerajinan
10g usaha
10g keyakinan
10g latihan/kerja rumah
15g persediaan revision
15g doa/ibadat
5g rehat


bahan2 tersebut dicampurkan dan digaulkan hingga sebati.

masukkan serbuk perasa jenama " kesungguhan " secukupnya ( lagi bnyak lagi bagus ).
otak dicairkan supaya tidak beku bagi membolehkan ia menerima bahan2 yang tlah dcampurkan tadi.
otak jangan dibiarkan sejuk, sebaliknya dididihkan dalam minda yang tenteram.

tambahkan beberapa sudu adab sopan, hormat dan patuh pada ibu bapa & guru.

pastikan sifat riak tidak bercampur dalam adunan kerana boleh merosakkan kelazatan dan keenakannya.

keinginan bermain haus dikurangkan kerana dikhuatiri adunan tadi dalam oven.

sementara menunggu ianya masak, bertawakallah dan banyakkan beribadat dengan ikhlas bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk........